As I thought about Miss E's favourite things, my neurons connected me to Oprah and her favourite things. As Wikipedia carefully explains, "Oprah's Favourite Things" was an annual segment that appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show from 2002 to 2010... the audience members that were present during the taping of the episode receive items from that year's list for free.
In 2004, every audience member received a brand new car worth approximately $30,000. You get a car! And you get a car! EVERYBODY GETS A CAR!
This made me think... if Miss E was the host of a self-titled, multi-award-winning, nationally syndicated talk show, which had become the highest-rated program of its kind in history, what items would she be giving away in her annual favourite things segment?
If you were lucky enough to be in her audience today, you would receive three things:
1. Oven mitt!
You get a mitt! And you get a mitt! EVERYBODY GETS A MITT!
She loves this oven mitt with a passion. The only thing she loves as much as this mitt is the matching mitt that goes on your other hand.
She loves it when the mitts grab her cheeks.
She loves it when you use it as a puppet and it talks to her.
She loves it when the mitts dance around the kitchen - especially when they "vogue" 90s Madonna style.
Price: It is hard to put a price on this mitt. It has survived Mr. B's bachelor cooking and now resides peacefully in the second drawer down in our kitchen.
Side note: you may be able to see that I am modelling a polar fleece top as well as an oven mitt. Polar fleece is also one of Miss E's favourite things. Her love for polar fleece has been largely bred from familiarity: I have worn polar fleece almost every day since she was born.
2. Galah hand puppet!
You get a galah hand puppet! And you get a galah hand puppet! EVERYBODY GETS A GALAH HAND PUPPET!
Item #2 is actually very closely related to item #1.
When I saw how much Miss E loved the oven mitt, I thought to myself, "Self, you need to buy this child a hand puppet".
So, off we went today and we found the galah hand puppet at our local op shop. I popped it into the washing machine and the galah hand puppet is as good as new.
After we returned home, we discovered that the galah hand puppet also has a squeaky noise feature. Love it. It has quickly rocketed up the "Miss E's favourite things" list.
Price: $3.
3. Night-Night, Baby!
You get Night-Night, Baby! And you get Night-Night, Baby! EVERYBODY GETS NIGHT-NIGHT, BABY!
Sometimes Miss E lies under her playgym and expresses her general dissatisfaction with the world around her. You show her Night-Night, Baby and she loves the world again.
I think she is secretly in love with the baby on the cover.
If she had fine motor skills, the cover of this book would probably be covered with texta love hearts.
If she had fine motor skills, Internet access and a credit card, she'd probably buy the domain:
Night-Night, Baby is not a particularly compelling read. It contains photos of a racially diverse group of babies as they complete their daily routine (e.g. eat, have a bath, and, of course, go to sleep). It lacks a convincing protagonist and a plot. However, Miss E loves it. Maybe it is like reading Who magazine for babies. She likes to know what the other babies are up to.
Price: $6.60 at The Book Depository.
My three key points:
1. Miss E is probably not quite ready for her own, self-titled talk show. We'll re-assess at 12 months.
2. Miss E needs to build stronger relationships with luxury brands so that she has some better stuff to give to her studio audience.
3. Babies really don't care about price when it comes to determining their favourite things.